Once we had created our film we felt that the exact target audience for our film was British, Urban, white teenagers, however we dont feel that we needed to address gender.
We felt that this film appealed to both genders as the males would like the gore and the killings through out the film, but the females would like to see the woman get her revenge on the killer. We feel therefore that both sex's will enjoy this film.
Before we made our decisions on the exact target audeince we did some reasearch to see which films were popular with which age group, sex and how often they would watch films.
The charts that are shown here, show that more women go to horror/thriller movies than men as they usually go in a group. We found that men usually go by themselves or take a girl with them, so adding to the percentage of girls watcgubg movies.
However you can see that men like action films more than women. This results therefore will encourage us to put more action into the film, and add props, so this might attract more men to the horror/thriller film.
We felt that adressing this film to white urban teenagers would be suitable because the main actors are portayed as white, urban so our audiance should therefore make a link with the characters that are infront of them.
This chart shows that the most popular age group to see action films is 18-24 year olds.
Looking at these pieces of information we as a group have decided that our target audience can be slightly younger from 15-24 years old.
We felt that this film appealed to both genders as the males would like the gore and the killings through out the film, but the females would like to see the woman get her revenge on the killer. We feel therefore that both sex's will enjoy this film.
Before we made our decisions on the exact target audeince we did some reasearch to see which films were popular with which age group, sex and how often they would watch films.
The charts that are shown here, show that more women go to horror/thriller movies than men as they usually go in a group. We found that men usually go by themselves or take a girl with them, so adding to the percentage of girls watcgubg movies.
However you can see that men like action films more than women. This results therefore will encourage us to put more action into the film, and add props, so this might attract more men to the horror/thriller film.
We felt that adressing this film to white urban teenagers would be suitable because the main actors are portayed as white, urban so our audiance should therefore make a link with the characters that are infront of them.
Horror/Thriller movie pie chart showing women go the picture more often than men.
Action/Thriller movie pie chart showing men go more often to the pictures than women.
This chart shows that the most popular age group to see horror films is 18-24 year olds.
This chart shows that the most popular age group to see action films is 18-24 year olds.
Looking at these pieces of information we as a group have decided that our target audience can be slightly younger from 15-24 years old.
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