Friday 23 November 2012

Planning- Action Thriller

Action Thriller

In which the work often features a race against the clock, contains lots of violence and the obvious antagonist. These film usually contain guns, explosions and large elaborate sets. Contains elements of mystery and crime, examples of these types of genre are James bond and transporter.

This poster represents  the action thriller genre because of the props used and the background.
 The prop here is a gun representing the action in this poster, this links in with the background as this shows a image of the inside of a barrel of a gun.
 What also makes this poster a action thriller is the colour, showing how dark this movie will be, maybe symbolising death, sadness and loss.
 The figure here looks as if he is in power as he is dead centre in the middle of the poster, also the way he is positioned with the gun looks like he holds power over you.

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