Wednesday 28 November 2012

Planning- Erotic Thrillers

Erotic Thrillers 

The female usually plays the antagonist, she also uses power to exert power and is usually crazy. Also the stereo type that is used a lot in this type of genre is sexual objectification.

This poster links with the genre erotic thriller because of the characters costume, the lighting and the text.
 First the costume as you can tell you can see a lot of the characters are showing skin and you can also see that their all women so immediately they are being sexually objectified because of them showing skin. 
 The text here also links in as it is curvy bold, kind of like the women in the picture linking in with this genre.
 The last thing that links in with the genre is the lighting you can see the women being highlighted everything else is dark, showing how this movie will be dark and most likely thrilling linking with the genre, the women at the front is highlighted the most showing us that she must be the main character, knowing that the female is usually crazy and in power we assume that she must be as this is a erotic thriller. 

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